Really nice guy, really great teacher!
I took two classes with Franklin Habit at Vogue Knitting Live, and I’d really love to take 200 more. Franklin is, first off, a really nice guy. I was a half hour late to my first class because I got utterly lost and was driving around Pasadena again and again, and missing the convention center each time. I really HATE being late – in general, I think it’s disrespectful to the teacher, and very poor manners. He was extremely gracious with me and got me up to speed in no time, for which I am most grateful. He has lots of stories to tell and a great sense of humor, both of which make for an entertaining class.
Second, he is extremely thorough. For this class on shadow knitting, he did tons of swatching to prepare his materials for class. He tried every variation of the technique he could think of, and therefore was a wealth of knowledge about what did and didn’t work. (Yes, again, the swatching theme…) I really appreciated how well-prepared he was to answer almost any question we threw at him.
Shadow knitting has fascinated me for awhile, and now thanks to this class, I understand how it works. It is the only kind of knitting that doesn’t reveal itself to you unless you’re looking at it in motion. And considering how I love Op Art, the whole optical illusion concept is exciting. I will not go into the technique here, as I am still practicing. Woolly Thoughts can take you much more in-depth, and before I parlay this into design work, I plan to knit through at least some of their tutorials myself. I hope you will enjoy my photos – all are of the same swatch, and you can get an idea, visually, of this type of knitting.

The knitting as it appears when laid flat.

It helps to look at the back, laid flat, if you are struggling to figure out what you’re supposed to see on the front.

The front reveals itself when in motion, and viewed from an angle.